Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Task Force on Tuesday raided an education consultancy at Mehdipatnam which allegedly was providing fake educational certificates to students by collecting huge amount from them, and arrested two persons. The arrested persons are G Maheshwar Rao, the owner of the educational consultancy and a resident of Attapur and Ketan Singh, an assistant […]Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Task Force on Tuesday raided an education consultancy at Mehdipatnam which allegedly was providing fake educational certificates to students by collecting huge amount from them, and arrested two persons.The arrested persons are G Maheshwar Rao, the owner of the educational consultancy and a resident of Attapur and Ketan Singh, an assistant professor with Bhopal-based university.According to the police, due to financial constraints, Rao started selling fake educational certificates with the collusion of Ketan Singh and some persons from the Bhopal-based university. “They provide certificates of all degrees without the candidates even attending colleges or appearing for exams,” officials said.
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